Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The rise of Phoenix Blacktown Chapter

Dad Joaquin Kenneth Fuentes, a Senior DeMolay member of Douglas McArthur Chapter in Manila (formerly under the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay, now with Supreme Council of the Philippines); as Wor Master of Blacktown Kildare always dream of having a DeMolay Chapter in the Blacktown area, similar to the Hunter Valley Chapter in Toronto NSW and the Blue Mountains Chapter in Orchards Hill NSW.   He always refers to the rise of a Phoenix of the olden days, hence the chapter name Phoenix Blacktown.

Without knowing the various history of DeMolay in NSW, it was thought that Phoenix Blacktown Chapter is the first in the Blacktown area, but Dad John Robb said in an email that "Kumali Chapter was open for many years in Blacktown and closed about 1989. In about 1995, the former Chapter Dad of Kumali was killed in a car accident while travelling to a Lodge meeting with four other Masons."

According to Dad Robb; (who is a Past Supreme Grand Master of the Supreme Council of DeMolay Australia, Legion of Honour, Cross of Honour and an Honorary Member of DeMolay International), says that "James 'Jim" Holdsworth is the oldest living Australian  DeMolay having been initiated in 1949 and I run a close second, having been initiated in 1956. Allan Yeates was initiated in 1957 and was constantly involved until about two years ago when his health deteriorated I can not begin to list his post-nominals."

In a recent Supreme Council meeting last May 5, 2019, in Newcastle, Dad Allan Yeates was awarded an Australian Distinguished Service Award and Life Membership by the Supreme Grand Master of DeMolay Australia, Dad Trevor Green.

The challenge was accepted by various Senior DeMolays, mostly from the Philippines such as Dad Lawrence 'John' Callao with Mum Jheannie Lava Callao (a former member of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls), Dad Ferdinand 'Don' Pandes, Dad Genaro 'Gene' Capistrano with Sis Jane, Dad Eddy Sarkis, Dad Orlando Al Pacino, Dad John Arceo, Dad Jurgen 'Jay' Tayag, Dad Mario Baylon Jr and Sis Irene, Bro Ariel Becina, Bro Erwin Maza (who previously help organised and spearheaded Hunter Valley Chapter with Dad Richard Laws PGM, Dad Jo-al Balasabas, Dad Ronald Maninit among others), Bro Wazwaz Yu, Bro Rene Singson, Bro Sol Paje  and countless supporters who either donated monies and their time to make the first official activity - that of successfully celebrating the 100th or Centenary of the Order of DeMolay last March 2019 at Blacktown Masonic Centre, which was attended by various heads of Masonic orders and numbering more than a hundred people with family and children included.

A special mention should be made of the Chairman of the organising committee, Dad Charlie Cosoleto, Cross of Honour, [and Mrs Maria C] and an indefatigable former Chapter Dad of Blue Mountains Chapter. His invaluable guidance and liaised every step of the way between the organising committee and the Supreme Council of DeMolay Australia made all the difference.

Last June 23 2019, a dispensation was issued by the Supreme Council for Australia to Initiate and confer the DeMolay degree to some of the charter members of Phoenix Blacktown Chapter. Again this was well attended with more than fifty people in attendance and a superb Initiatory Degree work conferred by the active DeMolays who are mostly members of Hunter Valley Chapter and with the DeMolay Degree with a mix of active and senior DeMolays.

The big event is obviously coming this July 28, 2019, at 2 PM at Blacktown Masonic Centre - the Institution of the Chapter by no less than the Supreme Grand Master of DeMolay in Australia, Dad Trevor Green and the inaugural Installation of Officers.